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Kings James Bible Authorized Version

God's Authorized English Bible for English-speaking people

 King James Bible (KJB) is the One Faith by which we “All speak the same thing [doctrine]” 1 Corinthians 10:1

Today false religions position King James as a tyrant against Christianity. When in fact it was the Roman Catholic Church persecuting King James and true Christ believers. How typical of the wicked and unrighteous to falsely accuse the innocent of the very sins they themselves are guilty.  A diligent study of true history vindicates King James.  Read King James and His Translators by Gail Riplinger.


From “The Hidden History of the English Scriptures” by G. A. Riplinger and Bryn Ayn Shutt, 2010

Copyright 2010 by G. A. Riplinger and Bryn Ayn Shutt

ISBN: 978-0-9794117-3-1​


The Holy Bible has been hidden in hearts, hidden in homes, and hidden from the wise (worldly) and prudent (secular intellectuals); its true history has been hidden by heretics.  Yet, thousands of years ago, penned in the East, the words of the true Bible have never ceased. pg. 1


God has continued to preserve the King James Bible, in spite of hundreds of attempts to change it.  Four characteristics distinguish the King James Bible (as the authorized Word of God) from man-made modern counterfeits:  pg. 50 & 51


1. The KJB was the seventh polishing  (Ps. 12:6) of the English Bible

2. The KJB enhances meaning and memorization

3. The KJB is the only English Bible which retains a “pure  language” 

4. The KJB is the "Heartbeat of God"


Do you have the Authorized Word of God?


How can you tell if you have the English Bible which has the life-giving breath of the Spirit of God?  The King James Bible of 1611 is still living and loved by millions now, 400 years later.  Hundreds and hundreds of would-be bibles are buried with their copyright holders, unable to breathe without the hot air of advertising campaigns.


Would you want a real solid silver sword or a forged imitation, a real son of God or one who imitates him?  pg. 64

The edge of a sword and the edges of words are critical; they sever the true from the false. pg. 59


The imitative new versions’ only virtue (behavior) is that their heresy-haunted texts are unmelodic and hard to remember (rendering themselves ineffective).

New versions omit seemingly tiny elements and mutilate the masterful Word of God. pg. 68


The only changes to the KJB since 1611 are of three types: pg. 49

  1. 1612 Typography (from Gothic to Roman type)

  2. 1629 and 1638: Correction of typographical errors and updating of orthography (capitalization and spelling)

  3. 1762 and 1769: Standardization of spelling


There have never been any ‘revisions’ of the KJB text.  The ‘Board of Managers’ of the American Bible Society in 1852 thoroughly examined the text of the KJB and determined that” “The English Bible as left by the translators has come down to us unaltered in respect to its text...With the exception of typographical errors and changes required by the progress of orthography [capitalization and spelling] in the English language, the text of our present Bibles remains unchanged, and without variations from the original copy as left by the translators (Report of the Committee on Versions to the Board of Mangers of the American Bible Society, 1852, pp. 7,11)


“Come ye yourselves apart...and rest a while...” Mark 6:31 pg. 69


When the storms surge in the soul, the sea rages, and the gales rip, linger in their pages.  Hear heaven’s harps through the strains of the King James Bible.


Updated 11/02/2024
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